ServicesAssurance vol

Theft Alerts
Soyez alerté si quelqu'un tente d'arracher votre vélo. Dès que votre vélo se déplace de manière inattendue, nous vous envoyons des notifications de suivi en temps réel via l'appli.Également disponible de série avec Cowboy Connect. Vérifiez les CGV applicables à l'offre dans votre pays.

Valeur totale du vélo
La valeur de votre vélo doit rester celle que vous avez payée. C'est pourquoi le plan ne prévoit ni dépréciation ni franchise.

Une assistance 24/7
En cas de vol ou de vandalisme, nous nous déplaçons où que vous soyiez et vous ramenons à votre domicile, vous et votre vélo.

S'abonner est on ne peut plus simple.
Cliquez, payez, et activez le service.
Il vous suffit d'activer l'Assurance vol lorsque votre achetez votre vélo et votre couverture prendra effet immédiatement. Vous pouvez aussi y souscrire ultérieurement via l'app Cowboy.

L'avis des riders
"My bike was taken around midnight, but I missed the notification on my phone. The next morning, I received an alert around 7am that my bike had been moved around South East London. On the Friday after, more notifications but this time pointing clearly to a car wash. I traveled there, asked if they'd seen a bike in the area, and made a big point of saying it had a tracker on it. When I arrived back to work, I got a phone call — a customer had found my bike. Very grateful for Cowboy's brilliant anti-theft system."
"I left my bike outside for five minutes, and it was stolen. I immediately checked the app and called the police. I shared with them the live position of my bike and the police instantly sent two officers to the location. They checked a couple different houses, but with no success.
Overnight I received new Theft Alert notifications, and the police sent two officers again. They saw the thief - someone who was already well known to them - and arrested him on the spot."
"I wasn't planning on using my bike that day. Without the Theft Alert notifications I don't think I would have realized until the next day that it had been stolen. I would strongly advise all users to activate them."