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Save up to 42% on your Cowboy bike and accessories with Cyclescheme

Big savings and no money up front

Cyclescheme is an employee benefit offering you savings between 21% and 42% off your new Cowboy and accessories. You pay nothing up front and the payments are taken directly from your gross salary by your employer.

With many employers offering no upper limit on the certificate value, Cyclescheme is the perfect way to build your dream Cowboy package and save money.

Cyclescheme calculator Calculate your savings

Find out how much you could save on your new ride with the Cyclescheme calculator.

Find out how to get started below

Cyclescheme How to get started

  1. Get a quote

    Get a personalised quote for the Cowboy bike and accessories you'd like to order.

  2. Get your Cyclescheme certificate

    Use your Cowboy quote to get your Cyclescheme Certificate. Go to Cyclescheme.

  3. Shop and checkout

    When you're ready to purchase your bike, head over to our cart builder where you'll be able to enter your Cyclescheme certificate number and process your order.

  4. Get your Cowboy

    Your bike will be delivered to your door.


What is Cyclescheme?

Cyclescheme is a way to pay for your new bike through a monthly salary sacrifice. The payments are taken directly from your gross salary which means you don't pay any interest fees and you reduce the amount of Income Tax and National Insurance you pay.

How does the scheme work?

With Cyclescheme, you save 21-42% on your new bike through tax efficient payments. Once you've checked your employer is signed up to Cyclescheme, you can go ahead and ask us for a quote or place an order if you've already got a Certificate.

How much can I spend?

Most employers choose not to set a Cyclescheme order limit. This means you can get the exact bike or e-bike and accessories you need to cycle commute. Visit, select 'I'm an employee' and enter your employer's name to see your limit.

Can I add my own funds to the transaction?

No, you can't add your own money when paying with Cyclescheme as per the Cycle to Work scheme guidance.

Can I add or remove items to my Cyclescheme order?

Once you have proceeded through checkout using the Cyclescheme payment method, it's not possible to amend items on the order so we recommend including all eligible accessories on the initial order.

How does the scheme work?

We have a 14-day return policy, which you can read more about here.

How long does it take for my Certificate to be approved?

Once you have applied for your Certificate, the process typically takes 3-14 days, depending on how quickly your employer processes your application. If you have an application in place, you can check the status via your Cyclescheme login here.

How often can I apply for a Cyclescheme Certificate?

The standard period for a Cyclescheme Certificate is 12 months. Some employers do offer 6, 18 and 24 month schemes. You will ultimately need to check with your employer.

I purchased my bike through Cyclescheme, where can I now perform the maintenance of my Cowboy bike?

If you ever need help with your Cowboy bike, we'll ensure you solve any issue as quickly and easily as possible. Find further information on our Help Center.

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